
Welcome to
Tay's Teaching Toolkit
Providing free, high-quality, PowerPoint & Google Slides games for language classes AS WELL AS POWERPOINT design tips & TUTORIALS
✨New materials added 2024.05.29!✨
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It's Snakes and Ladders set in the Spider-Verse! In this review game, students try to scale buildings the fastest in order to reach Spot, but they better watch out for his portals he set as traps along the way!

Taking inspiration from the game show Password, in this game students are put in the hot seat as they compete to guess mystery words or pictures in a set amount of time in order to win points for their team!

Bingo, but make it educational! It's the classic game students love in the form of a review activity to test their wits. Which student will have both luck and knowledge on their side? Play and see!

Added a version of the game where there are letters instead of numbers on the question-choosing slide.

Included a slower version of the game in the download file for lower-level/younger students.
About tay's teaching toolkit
Who are you? Hi! My name is Tayler, I’m a graphic designer-turned ESL/EFL teacher, and I’m the designer of all the games featured on this website. I utilize my expertise in both design and teaching to bring you high-quality, effective PowerPoint and Google Slides games to use in your own classroom.
Why this website? Sharing my games started as a way to give back to the EFL teaching community in South Korea that helped me so much during my start as an EFL teacher there. Then, as I saw the response to the materials I provided, I saw an opportunity to reach an even bigger community of foreign language educators.
What is it? This website is meant to be a resource for teachers to download free, easily-editable, high-quality games for their lessons. These games also require little prep work. For most of my games, all you have to do is edit them with the vocabulary or target language from your own classes and the games are ready to play!
For free?! You might ask, why am I offering these games for free? Mainly because while the designs of the games I take full credit for, I do not own the rights to most of the game images, sound effects, and fonts I use. These templates and games are unofficial and designed for personal use only. However, if you enjoy my games, find them helpful for your classes, and would like to show your appreciation, feel free to visit the Say Thanks 💛 page on my website. Thank you for visiting as well as your continued support, enjoy!