Stay Alive Game
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Game Features
80's video game look and feel
Sound effects and animated icons
Play as a reading or a speaking game - templates for both versions included in the PowerPoint
How to Play
Split students up into teams.
Each team starts with 4 lives.
When the game starts, a team will read a box.
The teacher clicks on the box they read and behind it will be either a red heart (stay alive/lose no lives), a white heart (-1 life), a potion (+1 life), or swords (steal a life from another team).
The teacher will remove/add lives from the teams accordingly (or teams keep track of their own lives).
If a team loses all their lives, they are out of the game.
The team with most lives at the end of the game or the last time remaining wins!
You can also play this game in pairs or individually if there aren’t too many students.
The instructions above are for the reading version of this game. To play as a speaking game, use images instead of words in the boxes. A template for this version is also included as hidden slides at the end of the PowerPoint. Further in instructions on how to play and edit this version are found in the "notes" section of the PowerPoint.
If you want to use it as a writing activity, have teams choose a box by writing the word/sentence in the box. Then, reveal what's behind each box after teams are finished writing.
The online/Zoom version of this game is also a writing variation. Similar to the writing variation above, students choose a box by writing the word/sentence in the box. However, this version is done individually and students keep track of their own lives on their paper. Some other minor changes include students starting with 5 lives instead of 4 and the "steal a life" reward being removed. I have also added a new rule: Instead of a student being out if they lose all their lives, they can have negative lives. Furthermore, if at any point a student has negative lives, they have write the word or sentence they choose twice instead of just once. Though, feel free to delete or adjust this rule if you don't want to play with it.
No runtime information has been submitted yet for this number of students. If you have used it with your students and would like to share how long it took to play, please fill out the form on the last tab. It would be very much appreciated and would be a big help to other teachers like you!